Hi Joey.....I'm doing your leg exercises 3 x week (50-60 mins). On top of that I'll do 2-3 days of legs for about 15 minutes doing things like ballet plias (I watch a video). I also do 30-35 mins cardio about 5-6 times a week. I am not seeing any visible results. I'm not quite sure why. I eat great, exercise, water, my hormones are pretty balanced. I walk a few times a week. I know I have muscle underneath.....but it's like there is a layer of saggyness over top of everything. I'm an average size. 5 ft 6 in....weigh about 125 pounds. I feel I am doing everything right. Same goes with the stomach and arms. I look like someone who never works out. I'm really not sure what to do. I've been at this forever so its not like I just started. Do you have any suggestions?
Linda Beadle
Apr 28 at 09:40 PM
Mar 18 at 04:35 PM
Hi Joey......I've been doing the links you sent on legs and butt....as well others from your 6 day program. You said to do legs 2-3 x a week. How long should I work on the legs on a leg day.....around 45 mins to an hour? With arm and core exercises.....which I'll do 2-3 x week.....would you say about 15-20 mins on each? Also doing cardio around 30 mins.....doing my best to do 6 days. Would a long brisk walk for about an hour be considered a cardio? I know it is a cardio workout but wasn't sure if it was a fat burn type cardio. Thanks Linda
Mar 08 at 11:25 AM
Hi Joey.....I'm creating a new post as there are so many responses to my other posts......which I totally appreciate....that I think one got lost as I can't find it. Basically what I was wanting to know.....is if I am to do 6-7 days of cardio a week right now.......would a brisk hour long walk be considered a cardio day. I know walks are great for overall health......but in so far as the fat burning aspect in which other types of cardio offer......wondering what you think about the hour long brisk walk. Thanks
Feb 25 at 08:29 PM
Hi Joey.....I was following the programs for a long time then when I wasn't seeing any shifts I stopped. I have been doing the exercises....but just not following them exact (ie: 6 day, 8 day). I suppose because I wasn't seeing any results I started to try other exercises. I am just really confused. I am an average size....would like to lose 7 pounds. I exercise. I eat great. Drink water. Look after myself. But I have this excess fat on my legs. I have never been overweight (aside from 10 pounds).....but my butt and legs (mainly inner thighs) sag...and at my knees. It's like I have all this excess fat and I have no clue why. So I suppose what I would like to know.....is there anything else I can do that is more 'leg specific'. Something that will help me actually see results. I am good with what I need to do with core and arms. It is the legs mainly and butt. I almost feel like I need to be doing something leg related daily. As well as cardio (which I actually do do cardio almost daily). I know nothing will be quick. But honestly to actually see something would be really helpful. It's like there is muscle under the fat layer....I can feel it.....I have super strong legs. But not sure how to get rid of the fat layer. I am almost considering joining a gym and using the weight machines to really build (slow burn).....and using slow burn cardio machines. Perhaps that might be a better suggestion for me???? Anyhow I know this is a big question but if you are able to guide me in any way it would be appreciated. Thanks Linda
Oct 23 at 08:56 PM
I have the Sculptfit program and I did start at #6 then moved thru to #7 and #8. I was not seeing any difference and became frustrated. Then saw all these exercise videos where they say you can achieve great results in the 30 minutes a day. So I started those but still no shifts. Basically right now I do your exercises occasionally alongside other exercises but I am just not seeing anything and just now not sure what to do. So I am wanting to just re-start all of this and be more diligent about it.
So basically here's my thing. Despite being an average size my legs are saggy (mainly inner)....its like I am thin to average but excess fat?? I have celulitte. My butt sadly seems deflated. And what they call bat wings. I eat really well.....low sugars, low carbs, lots of fruit, veg and protein....Sat night cheats....but dietary I think is pretty good. Lots of water. I do exercise despite looking like I don't. Great supplements as recommended by a naturopath...collagen etc. I take bioidentical hormones and hormones are all good levels.
But I look like someone who has never worked out and I'm just not understanding it. So.....is the bottom line this.....I need to really bulk up my muscles to fill in the sag? Bascially if I increase the muscles thru being super diligent with your exercises....then this will fill in the saggy areas. Is this it in a nutshell??? And on top of this do I also do the Naked Beauty. And do I find myself a really good exercise machine like an elipitical or something and do slow burn cardio.
Any guidance would help. I know I have put messages in before but I guess cuz I wasn't seeing results after a few months I gave up and moved on. But now I am thinking I want to try it again.
Thanks Linda
Jul 19 at 04:49 PM
Hi Joey....I know I had briefly asked this before but I didn't know as much about it as I do now so just wondering if you might have more detail. There is something called the Fascia Blaster tool. This woman Ashely Black has so much info on her site and apparantly she has a huge following and has help many people. Initially it was for pain as she worked with pain clients.....and then people started to notice their celulitte would be disappearing so she expaded. This in a nutshell. She has all sorts of science based info on her site. Anyhow....aside from her site and tools....when you look up fascia blassting there is so many positive in so far as how it loosens up the fascia under the skin (and tight fascia apparantly pulls at the skin that causes the dimpling...celulitte). As well as info on how it can help skin elascity. And a lot of info re pain. But.....since seeing someone from your group post negative effects she had I started to do some research. And for all the positives there are some negatives....one being can make celulitte worse. But more sites say how it can make it better. Ahhh. So I am doing your work outs.....but I really wanted something more to help rid the celuitte so I have been using her tool for 1 1/2 months. Only about 5 mins per day per leg. I don't go nuts like some people do on these videos. But just wanted your thoughts on this. I know you promote the exercises and stand behind those, which is great.....but just wondering if you think this could be a good thing to do.....moderate blasting to break down fascia? And if not....are you able to tell me why? I'm just a little confused. I wanted to continue with the blaster as felt really excited by all the info I have reviewed over and over and the conversations with individuals who have had great success. But if I am to stop.....because you know of negatives....it would help to know why.
Jun 07 at 04:04 PM
Hi Joey......I have been doing the 6 day and really not seeing any difference. Been doing a few months now. With the legs I am doing the 3 x week and almost daily cardio. I am eating great and weight I would say is pretty normal. Not sure what to do. My second question....I was just watching this video and the person was saying if you can't actually feel the muscle when you are doing a workout that the actual muscle might not be firing up. So I tried it and noticed that I am not always feeling the muscle underneath the fat. So should I be adjusting my leg/arm so that when I do the movement I feel the muscle so I know it is firing up. Lastly.....I know you mention isometrics a few times......so are your movements more isometric type of movements. Any guidance you can give me would be helpful. Thanks Linda
May 08 at 03:04 PM
Hi Joey.....1) I am doing the 6 day program right now. On the leg days, mainly the first one, I sometimes split this up as doing the leg exercises for about an hour then the cardio....I don't always have the time. So I often do 1/2 legs of the program and cardio on one day and then the next day do the remaining and a cardio. Is this ok? I'm sure it is ok but would this slow down things? 2) with the cardio.....because I had hurt my wrist last month I really need to be mindful of the exercises in your cardio as the Joeys put pressure on the wrist and holding weights to do the movements I am being mindful (as well it often hurts my shoulder). So when I am not able to do yours I am doing body weight cardio (this pilates woman online) and I do sweat and I do feel it in my legs. But there is no use of my arms. So my question.......because it is body weight.....will this be ok? As you said that the trampline, although I job on it, and the rower, are not the best at this time. 3) With the dietary program......as really do pretty much follow everything that you outlined.....the only thing I am struggling with is the intermedient fasting part. Would 14 hours be enough. If I am done eating by 7pm. And don't eat breakfast until 9am. Which isn't much different than what I have always done anyways. So really just trying to figure out if longer hours makes that much of a difference
Thanks Linda
Apr 28 at 05:19 PM
Hi Joey.....I thought I would keep to two seperate emails. 1) I am doing the 6 day program right now. On the leg days, mainly the first one, I sometimes split this up as doing the leg exercises for about an hour then the cardio....I don't always have the time. So I'll do 1/2 legs program and cardio then the next day do the remaining and a cardio. Is this ok? 2) with the cardio.....I am being good with doing the cardio.....and you had said daily so I really am trying to stick with this.....and doing body weight cardio not the trampoline or rower type thing. Because I had hurt my wrist last month I really need to be mindful of the exercises in your cardio as the Joeys put pressure on the wrist and holding weights to do the movements I am being mindful. So when I am not able to do yours I am doing body weight cardio (this pilates woman online) and I do sweat and I do feel it in my legs. But there is no use of my arms. So my question.......because it is body weight.....will this be ok? 3) With the dietary program......as really do pretty much follow everything that you outlined.....the only thing I am struggling with is the intermedient fasting part. Would 14 hours be enough. If I am done eating by 7pm. And don't eat breakfast until 9am. Which isn't much different than what I have always done anyways. So really just trying to figure out if longer hours makes that much of a difference. 4) I think (?) at some point I saw a video of yours taking about a fascia buster for celulite and not to use it. I just recently was looking the device up for my back and then saw that it can help break down the tight fascia in the thighs.....I don't mean bashing the legs like some of these videos.....it is more like a massage on the thighs no different than I would do on areas of my body that have pain and are tight. Wanted to run past you and see if you have an opinion about that? Thanks Linda
Apr 28 at 05:05 PM
Hi Joey.....I am wondering if there is a PDF for the ULBHT level 2. I have level 1 from a purchase I made years ago. I am doing the 6 day but wanted to try that one as well. I don't always want to follow you (no offence) on the computer.....I'd prefer at times to be watching tv while doing these and having a PDF would help.