July 19, 2023

Hi Joey....I know I had briefly asked this before but I didn't know as much about it as I do now so just wondering if you might have more detail.  There is something called the Fascia Blaster tool.  This woman Ashely Black has so much info on her site and apparantly she has a huge following and has help many people.  Initially it was for pain as she worked with pain clients.....and then people started to notice their celulitte would be disappearing so she expaded.  This in a nutshell.  She has all sorts of science based info on her site.  Anyhow....aside from her site and tools....when you look up fascia blassting there is so many positive in so far as how it loosens up the fascia under the skin (and tight fascia apparantly pulls at the skin that causes the dimpling...celulitte).  As well as info on how it can help skin elascity.  And a lot of info re pain.  But.....since seeing someone from your group post negative effects she had I started to do some research.  And for all the positives there are some negatives....one being can make celulitte worse.  But more sites say how it can make it better.  Ahhh.  So I am doing your work outs.....but I really wanted something more to help rid the celuitte so I have been using her tool for 1 1/2 months.  Only about 5 mins per day per leg.  I don't go nuts like some people do on these videos.  But just wanted your thoughts on this.  I know you promote the exercises and stand behind those, which is great.....but just wondering if you think this could be a good thing to do.....moderate blasting to break down fascia?  And if not....are you able to tell me why?  I'm just a little confused.  I wanted to continue with the blaster as felt really excited by all the info I have reviewed over and over and the conversations with individuals who have had great success.  But if I am to stop.....because you know of negatives....it would help to know why.