Hi Joey.....I'm doing your leg exercises 3 x week (50-60 mins). On top of that I'll do 2-3 days of legs for about 15 minutes doing things like ballet plias (I watch a video). I also do 30-35 mins cardio about 5-6 times a week. I am not seeing any visible results. I'm not quite sure why. I eat great, exercise, water, my hormones are pretty balanced. I walk a few times a week. I know I have muscle underneath.....but it's like there is a layer of saggyness over top of everything. I'm an average size. 5 ft 6 in....weigh about 125 pounds. I feel I am doing everything right. Same goes with the stomach and arms. I look like someone who never works out. I'm really not sure what to do. I've been at this forever so its not like I just started. Do you have any suggestions?