Angela Vescovo-Dickten

Jan 04 at 12:25 PM

I walk 2 miles every day and do 15-18 squats every couple of days…I know I need help to achieve goals, just apprehensive about what to do that’s effective bc when my knees get flared up it’s awful.

Jan 04 at 12:12 PM

Knees on floors and have to be careful with squats/glute bridges - something about 45 degree angles - have been to different drs and rehab groups long time ago and was no help. Mainly wanted me to take nsaids (for extended periods of time- didn’t help) and ride bikes which aggravated the problem. 


Jan 03 at 05:11 PM

Question for Joey - bought naked beauty, did the exercises twice and my knees hurt so badly it took months to get them calmed down. He kindly shared a floor workout but bc of the naked beauty and past knee problems (severe patella tendinitis), I have been scared to revisit Joey’s programs - anything that has me on my knees is a no-go. I bought naked beauty to help with cellulite and now I am just disappointed. Please advise.


Jul 08 at 09:11 PM

I’ve always been an athlete - Overdid it running and with the stairmaster in high school / college and finally had to stop running. I just turned 49 and walk at least 2 to 3 miles every day pretty much forever (Since I stopped running). By stopping running, taking move free with hyaluronic acid, Clean eating, including no artificial Sweeteners, and icing as needed Was able to get knees, calmed down


Jul 07 at 11:28 AM

Was so excited to start the program and I have Struggled with patella tendinitis in the past, but have it calmed down for years. For the last couple of weeks, I have done the work out for cellulite two times a week and Area around my kneecaps will not stop burning. I tried to make accommodations as suggested in the video, but nothing has helped. I’m using ice and anti-inflammatories constantly but now having pain even when I walk, please advise.