Linda Beadle

Mar 07 at 02:37 PM

I can't do that.  I've never been able to go too long without food.  I get all light headed if don't eat within an hour of waking.  I am mindful of my calories though......I read that if a certain weight (ie: 130 pounds) to eat around 1800 cals if want to maintain.  So I am doing my best to eat under 1500 well as exercise to burn cals.  

Mar 05 at 11:28 AM

Hi Joey.....yes if you can send links to the 40 min lower body routines you were mentioning.  I do do the ones that you have on your programs.....but not necessarily following the 6-day/ 8-day type thing right now.  But incorporating yours.  And I do look at other leg things on the sculptfit site but many are similar movements but just different routines.  Ok great with the mixing up the cardio.....I did a 30 min routine yesterday of 10 min trampoline, 10 min rower, 10 min up and down on my step risers....then repeated.  And as mentioned I switch up the cardios with HIIT low impact but steady and incorporate some of yours.  I am guesisng you feel that how I am eating is probably ok....not really sure where else I can shift things.  I do also recognize how emotions can be at play with holding on to things.....with so much negative thoughts directed at my body.  So I am also doing this technique called EFT (emotional freedom technique) around loving and accepting my body.  

Mar 02 at 12:50 PM

Ok so if I am understanding based on this message and the previous.....with leg exercises (whether I do your floor routine with slow burn or using weights.....or do your exercises like the squats and reach downs etc......just do these 2-3 times a week.  What I had been doing was often splitting as they are long.....I might do 40 mins one day and 40 the next.  Ok so I'll do 2-3 days (I'll aim for 3) of leg only work (and butt) and save the core and arms for 2 days a week.  And do 6-7 days a week of cardio for 30-35 min.  Ok so just so I know......the cardio helps with fat reduction (and guessing sag cuz that's excess fat) and the leg specific exercises (ie: like the ones you do).....they help build the muscle?  Also if I'm doing cardio, which is using my legs, isn't that then 'not' giving my legs a day of rest?  And if I am to do cardio 6-7 days.....doing yours, the HIIT I mentioned.....can I also add things like the trampoline and rower?

Mar 02 at 12:40 PM

Hi Joey.....generally I am eating breakfast around 9am and dinner around 7pm.  Lunch around 1:45 ish.  Snacks really depends.  Morning snack could be anywhere between 11:30 - 12:30.  And if I stick to two afternoon snacks (one being some veg and humus....the other being a small amount of walnuts) could be around 3pm and the other around 4:30 pm.  

Feb 28 at 06:18 PM

Menu/nutrition.  I aim for at least 8 x 8oz RO/alkaline water.  12-13 hours from dinner to breakfast with no food.Typically Sat is the only day I will have a 2-3 alcohol beverages and maybe a chocolate bar or might go out for dinner or order a pizza.  For the majority of the time I eat great.  Breakfast typically a low carb/low sugar bread (I used to eat gluten free carb bread but am trying to cut back sugars).  I'll have nut butter on it, a pat of jam, and 2 cups of tea with stevia and goat milk.  I'll have an organic protein powder and make a shake with all sorts of greens etc.  Usually a fruit mid morn.  Lunch is typically lots of veggies with a protein.....I'll add my carbs here like chick peas or quinoia.  I'll add some sauces that are low in ingredients and sugars.  Between lunch I might have some veggies with humus.  A small handful of walnuts.  Dinner veg, a protein, whatever sauce I am using.  

Feb 28 at 06:08 PM

Hi Joey.....thanks for your email.  Right now I am doing probably 3 times a week leg specific (squat type routines from your videos or the floor routines....sometimes with weights for floor routines or I do super slow to get the burn).  So I'll be doing many of your exercises for maybe 30-40 minutes (again legs).  With cardio....I shouldn't have said daily.....but probably 5 times a week.  I found the cardio you had in your videos required me to use too much of my shoulder.   So the types of cardio I do is typically 25-30 mins......things like low impact HIIT (meaning no jumping).....sometimes light weights might be involved.....or no jumping tabata type.  You said not to use the trampoline, so I really don't anymore....but occasionally will.  I have steps (not the machine but stacking steps) will go up and down on them.  Menu/nutrition in a different message as I can't seem to add anymore words in this one.


Feb 25 at 08:29 PM

Hi Joey.....I was following the programs for a long time then when I wasn't seeing any shifts I stopped.  I have been doing the exercises....but just not following them exact (ie: 6 day, 8 day).  I suppose because I wasn't seeing any results I started to try other exercises.  I am just really confused.  I am an average size....would like to lose 7 pounds.  I exercise.  I eat great.  Drink water.  Look after myself.  But I have this excess fat on my legs.  I have never been overweight (aside from 10 pounds).....but my butt and legs (mainly inner thighs) sag...and at my knees.  It's like I have all this excess fat and I have no clue why.  So I suppose what I would like to there anything else I can do that is more 'leg specific'.  Something that will help me actually see results.  I am good with what I need to do with core and arms.  It is the legs mainly and butt.  I almost feel like I need to be doing something leg related daily.  As well as cardio (which I actually do do cardio almost daily).  I know nothing will be quick.  But honestly to actually see something would be really helpful.  It's like there is muscle under the fat layer....I can feel it.....I have super strong legs.  But not sure how to get rid of the fat layer.  I am almost considering joining a gym and using the weight machines to really build (slow burn).....and using slow burn cardio machines.  Perhaps that might be a better suggestion for me????  Anyhow I know this is a big question but if you are able to guide me in any way it would be appreciated.  Thanks Linda


Replied on Question for Joey

Nov 06 at 05:52 PM


Replied on Question for Joey

Nov 06 at 04:33 PM

Thanks Joey.  It is unavailable for purchase right now but I will look around to find something simliar.  Yes please post the shoulder rehab as I have looked on the sculptfit but cannot find.  Also I had found the Fusion Flex dietary guidelines previously but am unable to find it.  I know I printed it out at one point.  Thanks

Replied on Question for Joey

Nov 05 at 08:50 PM

Great thanks Joey for your reponses.  I have not done the rehab portion for my shoulders.....where do I find this?  That might be good for me to try as I do know I need to build up my shoulders (I had a rotator cuff injury years ago and as a result even the lighest weight I feel in my shoulder) to build this would be great....would then help me to then build up my arms.  Also if I were to get a machine (as my husband wants a cardio type machine).....out of the 3 would you recommend an eliptical, treadmill, rower or bike.  When I have used these in the past I would go fast for cardio and for a real resistance muscle build I would go super slow (slow burn).   So if we did get one I could use that for my cardio (alongside your cardio) 
