Michelle Wood

Apr 16 at 08:42 AM

Joey Atlas that makes sense so I will give it a try!


Apr 15 at 06:31 PM

Joey Atlas uncooked cruciferous vegetables can further suppress thyroid function is what I’ve read.


Apr 15 at 02:25 PM

Joey Atlas yes I can be consistent

and add the broth! I’m not using the Elixer Mixer since I have Hashimotos and some of the ingredients I’ve been told to stay away from. Thanks!


Apr 08 at 10:59 AM

Hi Joey Atlas, I have not been monitoring but my results are the following T-scores

Left femoral neck -2.6 & total left femoral neck -2.5  Right femoral neck -3.0 & total right femoral neck -2.4   Lumbar spine -2.4 which said osteopenic range

I haven't been as consistent exercising as I should but I usually follow the naked beauty leg routines (no weights) 3 days/week and  awesome arms workout using 8-10 pound weights 2 days/week.  I shoot for 30 grams of protein per meal and that is an ongoing effort.  I am 5'3" 115lbs and I went into menopause early so 15 years ago. I take a handful of supplements a day to help with Hashimotos ( vit D, C, NAC, zinc, EPA/DHA, B's, glutathione, selenium and recently pregnenolone) but not a specific bone supplement yet because the one that was recommended I found out is gmo. Thank you for your feedback!



Apr 03 at 03:06 PM

Hi Joey, I recently had a DEXa scan for a baseline (59 years old) that showed I'm right into the osteoporosis range :( My integrative health care PA of course wants me to focus on increased protein, increasing to heavy weights for my workouts and taking a supplement.
Do you have workout advice for women with this health diagnosis? Joey Atlas
Thank you,