Menu/nutrition. I aim for at least 8 x 8oz RO/alkaline water. 12-13 hours from dinner to breakfast with no food.Typically Sat is the only day I will have a 2-3 alcohol beverages and maybe a chocolate bar or might go out for dinner or order a pizza. For the majority of the time I eat great. Breakfast typically a low carb/low sugar bread (I used to eat gluten free carb bread but am trying to cut back sugars). I'll have nut butter on it, a pat of jam, and 2 cups of tea with stevia and goat milk. I'll have an organic protein powder and make a shake with all sorts of greens etc. Usually a fruit mid morn. Lunch is typically lots of veggies with a protein.....I'll add my carbs here like chick peas or quinoia. I'll add some sauces that are low in ingredients and sugars. Between lunch I might have some veggies with humus. A small handful of walnuts. Dinner veg, a protein, whatever sauce I am using. Â
Linda Beadle
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Replied on Hi Joey.....I was following the progr...
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Replied on Question for Joey
Replied on Question for Joey
Replied on Hi Joey.....I was following the progr...
Mar 02 at 12:40 PM
Hi Joey.....generally I am eating breakfast around 9am and dinner around 7pm. Lunch around 1:45 ish. Snacks really depends. Morning snack could be anywhere between 11:30 - 12:30. And if I stick to two afternoon snacks (one being some veg and humus....the other being a small amount of walnuts) could be around 3pm and the other around 4:30 pm. Â