January 19, 2023
• Edited (Jan 19, 2023)

Hello Joey! I have decided to change my life for better and make healthier choices. I came across Your TikTok page and purchased your Total Access plan and can't wait to start, but my main concern is with my extremely limited time and schedule. Could I work out only 3 days a week by combining:

  • Day 1 & 2 on 1st Day

  • Day 3 & 4 on 2nd Day

  • Day 5 on 3rd Day

Would that work? Any suggestions?

It seems I would have 3 -4 days a week available for workouts.



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January 19, 2023

Ohh awesome, Angie Nawrocki ! Plese tell me a bit more about you... previous fitness history, current level, medical concerns, etc and your goals! 4 days a week can work as long as you're eating properly most days :-)  Which days of the week would you be training? And (curious here) what would prevent you from doing 20 minutes of fitness training on those other days?GREAT to have you here!! (TikTok has been simply amazing for me and for reaching new people to help :-)

January 20, 2023

Dear Joey, I honestly have no previous fitness history. I am 42 years and no medical concerns. I try to eat healthy with tendencies to overindulge on the weekends ;)

I also have a gym membership but heavy lifting and aggressive cardio stresses my body out and I usually last 2-3 weeks and give up easily, then I feel guilty and start the cycle again. I can't get myself to workout at home (family situation) but I find myself motivated in the gym environment seeing others working out. With that being said, I am able to be in the gym 3-4 times a week (Mon, Wed, Fri/Sat). 

Thank you for all you do!! You are my new motivation ;)

January 20, 2023

Angie Nawrocki  Awwww - thank you!! I know this will help you BIGTIME, more than you can imagine (even if doing it in the gym), as long as you stick with it - and you should be able to since it;s the GENTLE and sustainable approach :-) Yes - make use of those 4 days a week that you listed and do it the way you proposed. Be sure to follow the Fusion-Flex framework for the nutrition part - and be mindful about amount/volumes of foods you indulge in on the weekends. Cool?  (Also - what specific goals are most important to you?)

January 23, 2023

Joey Atlas No, Thank You Joey!

I would definitely like to improve my overall energy, self-confidence, tone up, and improve my "cellulite".

Wish me luck ;) 

January 23, 2023

Angie Nawrocki Love it!! When you say "improve my cellulite".. What EXACTLY are you referring to??

January 24, 2023

Joey Atlas My apology, I meant Remove (not improve) LOL I understand it's a slow process, I do not expect miracles, but I promise to be CONSISTANT with my workouts. 

January 24, 2023

Angie Nawrocki Lol.. Angie! I meant what do you mean by the word "cellulite"? What are you using the word to describe? The exact things you wan to improve?

January 25, 2023

Joey Atlas Ohhh ;) Definitely all lumps and dimples on my thighs and booty, I recently notices some on my belly as well! Time for a change!

January 27, 2023

Angie Nawrocki Agreed!! Alright - let's turn the tables now... You have a good week? Getting your training sessions in and feeling good?

January 30, 2023

Joey Atlas Awww, Thank you for asking! Yes, workouts actually helped me out with a stressful family situation at home. Plus I always feel accomplished at the end of my workouts. I try to focus on that "after feeling" whenever I feel exhausted or simply tired. I took a day break yesterday (Sunday) cause I was actually able to workout 6 days in a row :) I have also purchased a cute notepad and started putting exercises ideas for specific part of the body based on your Tiktok suggestions! Plan is to carry it with me in the gym to give me additional variations and options. I am pushing hard LOL  

Hope all is well Joey! 

January 31, 2023

Angie Nawrocki  Love it!! Ok - let's keep it going and keep us posted on your great progress!! :-)