Lauren Lilly's Training Plan

Lauren Lilly's Fitness Training Video Series: PHASE 1

Here’s the summary view (and below is full view with specific training session video links):



Day 1 - Abs/Core - Cardio - Stretch

Day 2 - Lower-Body (ULBHTM Level 2, Standing & Mat)

Day 3 - Chest and Back - Cardio - Stretch

Day 4 - Lower-Body (To the Max & The Sequel)

Day 5 - Shoulders - Abs/Core - Stretch

Day 6 - Arms - Cardio - Stretch

Day 7 - Lower-Body (NB 2X - plus choice of any "LIVE" Lower-Body Replay videos 1X)

IMPORTANT NOTE: if you have to 'skip' a day, or miss a day - THAT'S OK.. Just pick up right where you left off the next day. Life happens, and this is how we adjust to the changes of life. SIMPLE.

Complete Schedule and Video Session Links:

Day 1 - Abs/Core - Cardio - Stretch (Stretch session can be done later in the day or evening)

==> Abs/Core - this session for 1X: (you should be able to do most of this, even without the gym unit):

==> THEN this session for 1X:

==> THEN you will top it off with 1X through this one:


Indoor or Outdoor Cardio session - Take your pick and break a sweat! (ideally 40 minutes if time allows) *Dropping this Jump-Rope combo video right into spot here as an option (I may also upload this into Total-Access as well - or redo it with longer intervals for TA):

Stretch - you can choose your own depending on mood/preference - or give this full body session a go:


Day 2 - Lower-Body: Level 2 ULBHTM Floor/Mat Session and Standing Session

Standing -

Floor -


Day 3 - Upper-Body: Chest and Back session (leave out the exercises with the Susp. Straps until you have them - and double up on the dumbbell exercises instead.

Cardio option - 
Indoor Bodyweight session: 

The Fiery Five

And this is a perfect stretch session to do on Day 2 (although it can be done any day - but getting this in 2-3 times per week is ideal):


Day 4 - Lower-Body (To the MAX and The Sequel)

PART 1 -

PART 2 -


Day 5 - Shoulders - Abs/Core - Stretch

==> Shoulders:

==> THEN this Abs/Core session for 1 or 2X:
(I'm curious to see how you'll feel the day after this one. It should be more doable than the others were several days ago. If this feels good - we will stick with this as the main Abs/Core session and then maybe add Flat-Sexy Stomach to it as a next step.)

(depending on time available - can be done at another time of the day/eve):

==> Stretch (can be done at night, before bed, etc)


Day 6 - Arms (Biceps and Triceps) - Cardio - Stretch

==> You'll go through the full session here 1X

==> THEN you will top it off with this short session 1X through

==> Lauren's Choice of Cardio**

=> Stretch (can be done later in day or before bed):

==> Indoor Bodyweight Cardio session:


Day 7 - Lower-Body 

==>Naked Beauty 2X - plus choice of any "LIVE" Lower-Body Replay videos 1X)

==> Choice of one of the 3 lower-body "live" Replay sessions in this menu (click to see)


And after Day 7 - you take it back up to the top of the 7 day cycle (top pf the page) with...

==> Day 1 - Abs/Core - Cardio - Stretch
