Reach Your Most Desired Body & Health Goals the EASY Way, NO Punishing Your Body. NO Crazy Diets & NO More Guessing "What to Do"...
- by Joey Atlas, M.S., Exercise Physiology
This is how we:
- Boost Your Immune-System, Decrease Chronic Inflammation
- Improve Muscle-Tone, Regain Energy and Enhance Body-Composition
- Drop Excess Body-Fat, Reverse the Cause of Cellulite and "Body Flab"
- Decrease Your Body Mass Index and Dangerous Health Risk Factors
- Rebuild Weak and Achy Joints So You Can Function and ENJOY Life...
...with the Best Fitness, Nutrition and MINDSET guidance for LIFE...
...while AVOIDING the PAIN, Wasted-Time and Inappropriate "Workouts & Awful Diet Schemes"
If there ever was an ideal time to have a complete and proper HOME-Fitness program - right now is THE BEST...
And you'll be happy to know we have programs in here for ALL ages and fitness levels, ranging from extreme beginner up to super-advanced - so the whole family WINS...
NOTE: you DO NOT need the SCULPTAFIT Home-Gym system for these programs, as we have trainings for even the most "minimalist" home-gym areas - all the way up to people who do have the Home-Gym System.
So, are you ready for the LAST Fitness Program You Will EVER Need?
Good - but first you'll want to see this video from others who are already on the program and LOVING it BIGTIME:
Here's what you need to know before you join the rest of us who are making the best progress and reaching our most desired goals...
Such as...

You'll be glad to know - we put them on here for a few important reasons:
- This is a secure and private site that streams the videos with no 3rd party 'eyes' watching you
- There are no ads, no cat/dog video distractions, no violence, no pornography, no "fake" news and most importantly no "bad" or harmful videos
- We've built this site on a high-level platform that serves all videos via a special transcoding method that allows you to have access to super-smooth playbacks even if you're in a slow connection zone
- You, and your family, get to have EVERYTHING you need in one secure place, without having to sift and sort through all kinds of other videos, to find what you really need and want
- And there's more too - but you'll see what we mean when you enter the SCULPTAFIT-Club Video-On-Demand Personal Training Portal in a few minutes..
Do You Know?...
The people with the best information and best guidance are you ones who come out on top and SUCCEED. The ones who don't, keep backsliding and NEVER reach their health and fitness goals...
Which scenario do you want? For yourself and your family members? Do you want to succeed - or keep backsliding?
Success is what we want, of course. So...

This page IS FOR YOU IF you have NOT purchased a SCULPTAFIT Home-Gym System but still want to get an ATLAS-SCULPTAFIT Total-Fitness Access Pass for yourself AND your family to all the:
- "QUICKLY-FIT" delicious nutrition & cooking videos ($58/month Value)
- LIIT home, travel/hotel & office fitness training programs ($78/month Value)
- ATLAS Mindset Mindshift materials for habit reprogramming ($68/month Value)
- SCULPTAFIT private studio seminars & workshop videos ($48/month Value)
- and new exclusive health & wellness content that is in this site right now and that will be going into it every month. (Uber-PRICELE$$)
This idea came about because someone, actually several subscribers, emailed me a few weeks ago to ask if this could be a possibility that I could make happen...

If you saw my email earlier in the week - then you know exactly what this means; "I got my accountant to APPROVE this CRAZY offer!!!"

If you want the details and ALL THE Extra Bonus Gifts INCLUDED, in addition to the Life-Changing SCULPTAFIT Club Video-On-Demand and Companion Custom ATLAS-SCULPTAFIT App - then read this list below - and then click the button the bottom:
1 - SCULPTAFIT Club Video-On-Demand Fitness Portal for YOU and 5 more family members in the same household.
This includes:
- all ATLAS-SCULPTAFIT video fitness training sessions
- every new "Quickly-FIT" Rapid-Results cooking & recipe video
- every new Travel, Hotel & Office fitness training video
- every new Outdoor fitness training video
- every new Mindset Mindshift Audio Segment & Video
- PLUS anything new that we create for the Video-On-Demand site, such as "Gentle-FLEX Yoga" videos, Lifestyle Strategy Walkthrough CoachingVideos, and more...
2 - The Companion Custom ATLAS-SCULPTAFIT App for YOU and 5 more family members in the same household. ($188/month Value)
The Custom App for both iOS and Android is costing a small fortune to have designed and built (it will be ready by New Year 2021) - BUT you will get it INCLUDED, as my way of saying thank you for your support and for allowing me and my team to be the ones to guide you on your lifetime journey of health, wellness and longevity
And - if all that isn't enough to convince you I'm GOING ALL IN for you AND your family - here are the Once In a Lifetime Bonus Gifts you get by taking advantage of my CRAZIEST offer EVER
1 - ($348 value) Full access to all materials in "The Fusion-Flex Diet" Eating and Drinking - The Simplest Nutrition Mindset & Method for Optimum Health and Body-Composition

You even get the video I give to private coaching clients showing you EXACTLY how to use the hand-held body-composition device we recommend to all clients. (I have one and we have one in the studio as well.)

I almost forgot - you will also get that INCLUDED.. so that you AND YOUR FAMILY can have complete access to your platform and all your fitness & nutrition materials no matter where you are or where you go.

So join now right here (this Seasonal Special offer includes access for up to 5 other FAMILY Members) so you don't miss out.
If you're still reading - here are some preview shots of what you (AND your family) get (this is JUST THE TIP of the iceberg - you get a LOT more than just this...

PS - in addition to ALLLLLLLL the new monthly video sessions we are adding, you also get the following (at NO extra cost):
- ($148 value) The ULBHTM "To The MAX" - this is the Advanced, "Next Level" version of my all-time best seller, The Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip & Thigh Makeover"
- ($218 value) The "Gentle-Flex" and "Super-Flex" Stretching & Flexibility Program Series for decreasing back pain, neck pain, hip pain and increasing energy, range of motion, balance, spinal strength and applied power to all activities.
- ($148 value) The Naked Beauty Anti-Cellulite "The SEQUEL" - Yes, my other best-seller now has an advanced progression session that can be combined with all the others.
- ($38 /month value) Each month or so, I pull one of my "oldie but goodie" training video sessions to post in Total-Access, in addition to other unplanned surprises and bonus video sessions to help you reach and KEEP your most desired fitness & health goals.
Yes - Chris, my CPA still thinks I've lost my mind - but he totally sees how this could work out well for everyone. He FINALLY understood that a lot of the materials can be used by anyone - EVEN people WITHOUT the SCULPTAFIT Home-Gym System - even though 50% of those video sessions are, and will be, for them....
The other 40-50% of the videos, sessions and materials can be used by ANYONE - and so this is where the super-low-priced ATLAS Gratitude Offer & Plan idea for YOU came from...
BUT here's the catch - I can only offer this to a certain number of people, because...
Chris said; "Joey - you can't do this for anything lower than $24.95 per month - or you will be losing money by the day."
I said to Chris; "Listen, Chris - please, let me do a certain number of these all-inclusive memberships for LESS THAN $20 per month for up to 6 people in a family household."
He thought I was literally joking... He said; "You mean a family of 6 people gets access for only $19? ...What is wrong with you??!!"
I told him I'm dead serious and "We have to find a way to make this work."
He said; "The only possible way this could work is that you offer a set amount of these all-inclusive family memberships for only $19 a month and then after you hit the max number - the rest of the people who want it can sign up for $24.95 per month - which is still too low in my opinion, Joey - but this is your business model..."
So - that's what I'm doing.
You and your family get everything listed on this entire page (plus more surprises) for only $19 per month by going here and seeing if any spots are left. But if you see $24.95 showing that means we already hit the max number of $19 per family spots.
If you want the shortcut to make sure you don't miss out - just click this private link and if you see me on that page it means I still have a spot left for you, OR , if you see a message; "ALL spots have been taken." that means we have no more $19 spots for this wild and crazy special offer...
If you are a family of 6, each at a dime per day - that's 60 cents per day. And in a month that comes to almost 19 measly dollars.
Is the health, fitness & wellness of your family (And you) worth .60 cents a day?? Yes, it is...
I don't know what else I can say or what else I can add to this to make you realize you'd be more out of your mind to pass this up than I am to actually be making this offer available. But the truth is - EVEN IF YOU'RE a 1 person household - .60 cents a day is still an absolute steal when you consider all that you get and WHO YOU are getting it from...
Click here to see if any spots are left and get what you and your family will benefit from for years and years to come. Imagine having the BEST fitness, nutrition and mindset guidance & results for a few pennies a day.
You can join us from almost any country, anywhere in the world.
And - you may cancel anytime, just by clicking the 'cancel' button inside your private account dashboard.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1 - Can I cancel any time, if I wish to do so?
ANSWER: Yes, you you may cancel anytime, just by clicking 'Change plan' >>> 'Cancel' button inside your private account dashboard in the 'Billing' tab.
2 - Is this good for all levels of people?
ANSWER: Yes, Total-Access includes programs and progressions for Extreme Beginners all the way up to Advanced users, and every level in between.
3 - Do I need the Home-Gym System to benefit from Total-Access?
ANSWER: No... We have MANY members using ALL the training programs in here that do not require the SCULPTAFIT Home-Gym System. (there are a LOT of them in here)
And there are even members who ARE using the SCULPTAFIT Home-Gym training videos WITHOUT the Home-Gym System - Who knew!!??
4 - What do the programs focus on in regards to the important aspects of fitness?
ANSWER: created by Master Degreed Exercise Physiologist - "Total Access" provides proper instructional training for all elements of fitness, unlike most mass-market, "copy-cat" programs out there.
"Total Access" provides: Toning, Strengthening, Metabolic Improvement, Flexibility Increase, Energy Enhancement, Fat-Loss and Body Recomposition, Cardiovascular Reconditioning, Soft-Tissue Development, Aches & Pain Reduction, Injury Prevention, Body-Sculpting and Weight Optimization
5 - Are the various programs difficult or painful?
ANSWER: No, unlike the hyped up, high-impact "workout" pushed via the mass media and common weekend certified trainers - Total Access is based on the LIIT Methodology - where momentum is removed and slow, controlled, proper form and movement patterns are the critical difference makers for people from all walks of life.
This not only removes the "pain/injury" factor but also great enhances the "Activation" factors required to guide the body to change, evolve and improve - REGARDLESS of age.
6 - Are there schedules to follow so I don't have to figure out what to do and when to do it?
ANSWER: Yes - And they are VERY simple and straightforward too.
See you INSIDE!
Your trainer for LIFE
Joey "The Truth" Atlas
PS - while there is a lot "inside" the private member's area - here are some random snapshots of how some of the videos look on a smartphone (when you tap a video it opens in its own screen for full viewing and controls:

Ready to give you and your family THE BEST gift of health that will last a lifetime?
Then just click here, enter your info and we'll see you on the inside.